
NetgearR8000NighthawkRouterwithDD-WRT(Price:$450installed)PriceIncludes:AmericaOnlyInternetUSBStick.,2023年1月10日—Ahugeproblemwithdd-wrtisthatthewikiislockeddownandpatsofthesitearebroken.Someoftheinfointhewikiisliterallyovera ...,2022年11月14日—IjustreceivedaR8000fromafamilymember.ItkeepsneedingarebooteverycoupledaysasthetheWiFispeedslowsdowntoacrawl.Ineedto ...,2022年5月15日—Q1Theexperimenta...

Best: Netgear R8000 "Nighthawk" Open Source DD

Netgear R8000 Nighthawk Router with DD-WRT (Price: $450 installed) Price Includes: America Only Internet USB Stick.

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2023年1月10日 — A huge problem with dd-wrt is that the wiki is locked down and pats of the site are broken. Some of the info in the wiki is literally over a ...

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2022年11月14日 — I just received a R8000 from a family member. It keeps needing a reboot every couple days as the the WiFi speed slows down to a crawl. I need to ...

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2022年5月15日 — Q1 The experimental driver is eh experimental, it is experimental in the wifi department the R8000 and R7000P use DHD bus (not my favourite). Is ...

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2022年9月30日 — First of all your build is old and outdated with known security vulnerabilities. ... The OpenVPN speed you see is normal for such low end ...

Should I defect from DD

2021年1月24日 — Keep in mind DD-Wrt will have access to more recent/better blobs due to NDAs and whatnot. OpenWrt is limited to what Broadcom cares to share ...

How to Flash DD

This article describes the steps required for firmware upgrade in Netgear R8000. Here I use OEM firmware downloaded from the NETGEAR support ...

Netgear R8000, wich firmware?

2021年1月8日 — I used to use dd-wrt on my R8000. It worked well for a year or so, then the one of the 5GHz wireless transmitters kept stopping at random ...

Netgear R8000 Nighthawk X6 DD

Netgear Nighthawk R8000 X6 DD-WRT VPN Router, Ready for your VPN Client Plug and Play. Runs on a 1 GHz Dual Core CPU, AC Tri-Band Wi-Fi. Great VPN Speeds.